Different Types of Washers and Its Uses in the Construction Industry

Construction industry uses various types of washers depending on the need and availability. Here are the different types of washers and their usage in the construction industry.
Made from metal or plastic, a washer is a round or square plate with a hole in the center used to distribute the work of threaded fasteners. Their other uses are as a spacer, spring, wear pad, preload indicating device, etc.
Three main types of washers manufactured by various shim washer manufacturers which are mentioned below: -
  • Plain washers
  • Spring washers
  • Locking washers
Plain washers
It is the most common type of washers usually applicable in cases where the hole is larger than the nut. Their usage includes spreading loads preventing surface damage and providing insulation against electric current. They can be further sub-categorized as wall washers, fender washers, torque washers, and spherical washers.
Spring washers
These are available as axially flexible washers. They prevent fastening and loosening of the product components when they vibrate. They are used by vibrating motors like those found in cell phones to mitigate their wear and tear. Other applications of spring washers include uses in actuators flight controls and landing gear. Here also it prevents the wear and tear of these devices.
Locking washers
They can be considered a subtype of washers the common many variations with the primary task remaining the same as to prevent nut bolt screws casting devices from loosening or unfastening from the machine during operation. They are applicable in automatic and Aerospace industries as well as in some appliances and are manufactured by the various washer manufacturer in India.
While these were the most common types of watches, here are some other types of washers:
  • Backup rivet washers: They are used to prevent rivet pull-through and have larger installation diameters to give revert support and better hold.
  • Dock washers: As the name suggests, these are used in docks and similar projects. They are thick heavy-duty watches having a small hole inside and large surface area.
  • Fender washers: They have a greater load-bearing surface preventing pull-through under fastener. Similar to dock watches they have a small hole inside and large surface area.
  • Flat washers: There have round thin plates with a center hole of the size the same as the fastener. They work by distributing the load among threaded fasteners.
  • NAS washers: These are round in shape watches with small inner and outer diameters. Because of their conformance to measurement specifications, they are used in military and construction equipment.
  • Structure washers: These are thick washers with heavy-duty applications like construction projects. Steel beams and girder fastener assemblies are used here.
  • Square washers: The square washers are better than standard flat washers because they have a larger surface area and have a much stronger hold. They are available in two types- flat on both sides and flat on one side and beveled on another.
You can easily meet your need for quality shim washers suppliers in India as there are various manufacturers present here.
In India, Circlips group is the leader in manufacturing various machinery fittings like Shims, Dowell pins, E-pins and all other types along with Hose clamps. The group was established in 1967 in has been manufacturing quality products since then.


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